How much do mobile services cost in Orange, Play, Plus and T-Mobile

According to the latest consumer survey of individual customers for 2022 by UKE, the average monthly expenditure for mobile phone use in Poland was PLN 46.82. I decided to check out what it might look like this year, taking into account the recent increases.

Indeed, each of the operators of the “big four” – Orange, Play, Plus and T-Mobile, to a greater or lesser extent, increased their offers. So today we are going to calculate the average cost of mobile phone services for each of them, taking into account subscriptions in the main brand and sub-brands as well as prepaid offers.

So, probably for the first time in our listings or comparisons, we will not focus on content or promotions and services combined – only the “naked” monthly price list for the individual packages.

The average cost of mobile services at Orange

Orange subscription

In the Orange subscription we have three plans, for 55 PLN, 65 PLN and 85 PLN per month, which gives us an average cost of services of 68.33 PLN per month – much, above the average of l last year, but it was certainly lowered by other offers at Orange – cheaper and without obligation.

Prepaid offer at Orange

Considering only the monthly plans, at Orange we have 3 prepaid plans – anyway, the quarterly and yearly plan gives us the average cost of the cheapest month, so we just need to count these 3. So we have an average cost of 35 PLN per month. With the subscription, this gives us an average of 51.66 PLN, which is close to the average of last year.

Orange Flex subscription

At Orange Flex, the average of the current subscriptions available is PLN 48.75 per month – slightly above the market average as of 2022.

Read below

Unlimited Internet in Orange Flex now available!

The Go bonus in the prepaid offer does the job - just look at this comparison

Subscription, subscription and prepaid offer in nju mobile

In the offer of the nju mobile card we have a package for 29 PLN, the same in the subscription, so just calculate the average of the subscription with a monthly notice period, which is 29 PLN per month , which is the lowest of each of the offers at Orange.

Summarizing and averaging all offers from Orange – the average from this operator is PLN 45.27 per month.

The average cost of mobile services on Play

play subscription

In Play we have up to 5 tariff plans, with an average of exactly 66 PLN per month, which is more than 2 PLN less than in the Orange subscription.

Prepaid offer in Play

In Play prepaid, in addition to the monthly packages visible above, there is one more for 25 PLN with 10 GB of data transfer, so we will use it to calculate the average, which in this case was ultimately 32 PLN.50.

Subscription with Virgin Mobile

When calculating the average Virgin Mobile subscription, I had a dilemma, because one of the packages for 15 PLN did not include data transfer consumption – 1 PLN for 1 GB, up to 15 GB. If we use the entire 15 GB limit, its cost will be 30 PLN per month, so I omit it in the calculations. The average cost is 35 PLN per month.

Prepaid offer on Virgin Mobile

We have a similar problem in the prepaid offer, there are two packages for 3 PLN and 9 PLN, which significantly reduce the cost, but contain small service packages compared to other packages. Nevertheless, we count monthly plans, so with them the average is only 16.75 PLN. Excluding mini packages – 27.50 PLN.

Summarizing and averaging all offers in Play – the average for this operator is 37.56 PLN per month, including Virgin Mobile’s mini bundles, and without them: 40.25 PLN.

No more subscription

Four tariff plans are available in Plus, the average cost of which is currently 69 PLN per month, which is a little (0.67 PLN) more than in Orange, but 3 PLN more than in the Play subscription.

Offer of Plus and Plush cards

The prepaid offer in Plus and Plush is the same. So we have three packages at the same price, with an average cost of 35 PLN per month.

Plush subscription

A similar average is found in the Plush subscription, i.e. 35 PLN per month.

Summarizing and averaging all Plus offers – the average of this operator is PLN 46.33 per month.

T-Mobile Subscription

T-Mobile has four tariff plans, the average cost of which is 61.25 PLN per month, which is the lowest of all subscription offers.

Prepaid offer at T-Mobile

In T-Mobile prepaid, without a plan for Ukrainian citizens, we have 4 monthly plans with an average monthly cost of 33.75 PLN.

Subscription and prepaid offer at Heyah

In the Heyah subscription we have only one package for 29.99 PLN, while in the prepaid offer we have three with an average of 35 PLN per month.

Summarizing and averaging all offers from T-Mobile – the average of this operator is 39.9975 PLN per month, it seems that the operator deliberately tried not to exceed the average of 40 PLN, which which he always manages to do.

I omitted virtual operators from this list because their customers currently make up about 4.5% of the market, so that wouldn’t affect the average too much.

In summary – in order, the average cost of mobile services in the T-Mobile offer is: 39.99 PLN, in Play: 40.25 PLN (with mini-packages in VM: 37.56 PLN) , in Orange: 45.27 PLN and in Plus: 46.33 PLN per month. For the whole market: PLN 42.96.

This is a lower average than last year, but remember that the ratio of customers of the more expensive postpaid offers in Poland to customers of the cheaper prepaid offers is: 70% to 30% – rounded off heavily (first screenshot in this entry). Counting only subscriptions (with a long-term commitment), their average cost is currently 66.14 PLN (T-Mobile – 61.25 PLN, Play – 66 PLN, Orange – 68.33 PLN, Plus – 69 PLN).
Stock Image Depositphotos.

Author: Random Info

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